Luke 23:12 KJV
“And the same day Pilate and Herod were made friends together: for before they were at enmity between themselves.”
“A sinful love leads to a sinful league.” -Matthew Henry
How sad is the person who makes friends over a mutual opposition to Christ? Even more sad is the person who, like Pilot, doesn’t want to persecute Christ, but does so anyway due to fear of man and a desire for a certain reputation before people. There are many who gladly walk in the spirit of Pilot and Herod today.
Men of Adam and Women of Eve are often happy in their resistance to Christ and friendly with one another because of their mutual contempt of Him. All the while Scripture boldly declares that friendship with the world is emnity with God (James 4:4). No enemy of God will stand for long. One day they will realize their disastrous error but until then we must pray for them. Perhaps the Lord will extend His mercy to them as He has done for us, that they may repent, believe on Christ, and be saved from His wrath which is due to the wicked.
May His grace and peace be with you today, and may He lead you to the still waters He has prepared for all of those who love Him and who pine after His appearing.
In His grace,
Pastor Nick