Good afternoon church family,
Happy last day of August to you all. What a beautiful day it has been so far. I hope today finds you well, and that you are finding rest in the Lord today.
Tomorrow we get the joy of gathering together as Christ’s church. I look forward to being with you. We gather for prayer before service at 9:30am. I would love to have many of you join us. I am convinced that prayer, especially prayer together, is a key to victory in the spiritual battle we are fighting together on behalf of one another and for the good of our greater community. May we recognize how powerful our prayers together truly are, and may we never devalue the time we dedicate to corporate prayer by thinking it is trivial or that it won’t make any real difference. Scripture tells us that the contrary is true. When Christians dedicate themselves to prayer together, the whole spiritual atmosphere of a place can be moved. Read through Acts and you will clearly see how powerful our prayers can be. The Lord is so very kind towards us!
At 10:45am we will gather for our weekly worship service. Our focus passage for tomorrow is Revelation 9:1-12. Our world is full of pain and suffering because the people of this world have given themselves over to worshiping false gods rather than the one true God. Revelation 9 gives us powerful insights into the reality of the world in which we live, and also great encouragement for the Christian. I hope that you will join us tomorrow. If you have a friend who doesn’t have a church home, invite them to join you.
Grace and peace be with you friends. There are several in our community who are enduring health issues and other trials. If that is you, know that the elders, deacons, and I have all been praying for you. If you ever find yourself in a difficult or lonely place in life, please let us know. We want to be the hands and feet of Christ to you. No one who is connected to NCF should be walking alone. You are dearly loved family!
In His steps,
Pastor Nick
II Corinthians 1:21-22, “Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.”