Good afternoon church family,
We made it to Friday and what a beautiful Friday it is! I’m looking forward to our time together this coming Sunday. The Lord did some wonderful things in the lives of several people during our meeting last Sunday. What a joy it is to serve a God who deeply cares for His children. Because we know that He loves us, we can come with an expectation that the Lord will indeed meet us and minister to us when we gather together.
I am praying that the weekend ahead will be marked by rest for each one of us, and a fresh awareness of His presence in our lives. May you experience true sabbath rest in the Lord.
On Sunday morning we will gather for prayer at 9:30am and for worship at 10:45am. Our focus Bible passage will be Revelation 11:1-14. This is a wonderful, powerful, and encouraging passage. I have been challenged, equipped, and encouraged in various ways all week as I have studied it and prayed for the Lord’s direction for us. I know that the Lord will guide us and that our time in the word Sunday will be a great help to us.
Continue to pray for one another and for people you know who don’t yet have a relationship with Christ as we do. The Lord can save anyone through Christ, and He has told us in His word that it is His will to do so. Don’t hesitate to invite your friends to church and to share the truth about Jesus with them. The Lord may already be stirring in them, and you might be the catalyst He chooses to use in order to bring them to saving faith in Christ.
I’ve been looking for opportunities to share the gospel and to pray for people all week. There have been several, but today I was blessed to pray for a man with a leg injury who walked into Serve. He is a recent convert to Christ who has some serious health challenges. After praying for him he said the pain in his leg was gone! His limp was noticably less pronounced when he left. The Lord reinforced that man’s faith today and I rejoice in His kindness. The Lord is moving and I am a firm believer that He wants to show the world that His kingdom has invaded the darkness. Christ only asks that we be willing to be His body. When we are, He delights to minister through us. We are all kings and priests according to 1 Peter 2, and so we all carry on the ministry of Christ with the Spirit’s help.
May the grace and peace of the Lord fill your heart and mind today. May you walk in His truth, and may others meet Christ through you. I love you all!
In His grace,
Pastor Nick
Matthew 9:36-38, “Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.'”
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