Good day church family,
We made it to Friday, and also to November. This Sunday daylight savings ends so don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour on Saturday night before bed. Personally, I am quite fond of falling back and greatly prefer it to springing forward.
On Sunday we have the joy of gathering together for prayer at 9:30am and for worship at 10:45am. I hope that you will make plans to join us! Our focus Bible passage for our service will be Revelation 12:7-17 as we discuss the great war in heaven and the ultimate defeat of Satan.
Today is All Saints Day which is historically a special day on the church calendar for remembering the martyrs who have given up their lives for the sake of Christ and His gospel. Here is the link to a blog post I wrote this morning about the meaning and significance of this day ( I encourage everyone to take a moment today to remember the sacrifice of the many fallen saints who have gone before us. Their example is powerful for us, and their sacrifice is not forgotten. By God’s grace, we will one day join them in His presence and worship together, proclaiming the glory of the Lamb who was slain and is risen!
May the grace and peace of Christ rest on each of us today. May this Friday be enjoyable even as many of us are working hard to close out our work week and may be facing extra stressors today. Christ is with all who have repented and believed in Him. I pray that tomorrow will be a day of rest in Christ for each of us. He is our true and ultimate Sabbath rest in whom we have finally rested from all of our striving to justify ourselves. I love and appreciate you all!
In His steps,
Pastor Nick
“As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight.” -Psalm 16:3
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Thank you Pastor Nick!!!