NCF Update 11/09/24

Happy Saturday church family,

I hope that today finds you in good health and enjoying the wonderful Fall weather. My prayer for all of us is that today will be filled with rest and the enjoyment of God’s good favor on our lives. 

Tomorrow is the Lord’s Day which means we have the joy of gathering together to worship and grow in Christ. Prayer begins at 9:30am with worship following at 10:45am. We hope you will join us. If you know anyone who doesn’t have a church family, invite them to join you. I would love to see them benefit from the blessing which comes through fellowship with God’s people. 

Our focus Bible passage for tomorrow is Revelation 13:1-10. The title of tomorrow’s message is “Facing Giants.” There is no doubt that in this life we face enemies and circumstances which are beyond our ability to face, but we have One who is with us who is able to see us through. Prepare to be encouraged tomorrow by God’s goodness towards us!

On another note, there were some people from our church who have experienced hardship related to the heavy rain and storms which rolled through recently. As always I encourage you to be praying for one another. If anyone has a specific need, please reach out and let me know. The Elders would love to pray for you and we would love to help however we can. 

Lastly, I thank God for His grace and mercy on the United States of America. This election season was contentious with many different perspectives represented. While there are no perfect candidates, the outcome was clear. I have great hope that the government which will come together in this new year will fight to protect states’ rights, fight to resist the sexual revolution, and fight to defend the lives of the unborn. We have a mandate from Scripture to pray for our government officials. Let us pray for President-Elect Trump and his staff. Pray that they may have wisdom to put the right people in the right places that we might have the best possible outcome for our future and for the sake of our gospel mission. Let’s also be praying for President Biden as he works to transfer power peacefully, and that his final two months in office will be marked by righteousness and justice. Pray also for the transitions in the Senate and House, as well as the future of the Supreme Court. Perhaps the Lord will use these next few years to spark revival and positive changes in this nation. Every Christian must pray and dedicate ourselves to living like the gospel is true. I do not want us to miss the opportunity we have. Let us be the light on a hill which Jesus says we are and let us salt this land with the preserving and sin destroying power of Christ and His word!

May the grace and peace of the Lord be with you today. I love you all!

In His steps,

Pastor Nick

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” -1 Timothy 2:1-4