Church Update 11/20/20

Good afternoon church family,

What a beautiful day we are experiencing in the OKC Metro! We live in stressful times for many, but God’s grace is right with us in the midst of it. I am thoroughly convinced of the Holy Spirit’s continued movement among us during these days of pandemic. No virus can slow down the work of the Lord nor can it lessen his presence in us, so we persevere together.

Some of our own members have been exposed to COVID-19 and one of our own tested positive this week. Because of the rising number of cases in our community, and because of direct exposures among some of our members, the Elders have decided that we will be having an online service only this coming Sunday. This decision was made through prayer and wise counsel. We believe it is the wisdom of the Lord which has led us to take at least one week away from gathering in person. This will ensure time to make sure everyone is okay and that we don’t start passing this virus around in our congregation.

We will take each week on a case by case basis moving forward and we hope to gather in person again very soon. For this coming Sunday, you can visit here to see the links to our Facebook page and YouTube channel where you can watch the service. You will also see a link to Crossover Radio where you can hear the audio.

I would encourage each of us to meditate on this thought from Scripture, “Be devoted to one another with mutual love, showing eagerness in honoring one another” (Romans 12:10). As we consider these words from the Apostle Paul, let’s pray about how we can love one another and our neighbors well during these strange and difficult days. There are many powerful opportunities for the gospel around us everyday. May the Lord be with each of you, granting you grace and peace for each moment.

With love and care,

Pastor Nick and the NCF Elders