NCF Update 02/15/25

Good afternoon church family,

We had a wonderful marriage seminar with Dennis and Sheila Cole today. Thanks to everyone who came out and participated. I know that I was blessed by the fellowship and by the wonderful Christ-centered teaching on marriage.

Tomorrow is Lord’s Day! We have the blessing of gathering together to honor Christ and to build one another up. We will have prayer at 9:30am as usual with our worship service following at 10:45am. As Hebrews 10:25 commands us to do, may we come to church ready to encourage one another. God’s plan to disciple His church is His church. The people are the program. We grow as we encourage and minister to one another, and we can’t grow properly without one another. The Spirit works through each of us for the good of everyone when we are present together.

Dennis Cole will be bringing the word during our service tomorrow. I have no doubt that we will be built up by what the Lord has put on his heart for us. We will be taking up a special love offering to bless Dennis and Sheila. We are so appreciative that they would take the time to fly into OKC to minister with us here. I greatly value them and their ministry to our church, as well as to many other churches around the world.

Tomorrow we also have the opportunity to celebrate Michael and Kendra Kordis’ marriage. There will be a come and go reception for them from 2pm to 5pm at Serve.

I hope that you have found time to rest today, and to reflect on the Lord’s grace which He has extended to you. May His peace wash over your heart and mind.

I look forward to being with you in the morning!

In His steps,

Pastor Nick

“Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.” -1 Peter 4:8


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