Good afternoon church family,
I look forward to being together tomorrow as we celebrate the Lord’s Day. Pastor Dwight will be continuing our workshop time at 9:45am. We are focusing on spiritual and emotional health, particularly focused on prayer and contemplation upon God’s word. Pastor Dwight sent a previous email this week that I would encourage you to read over before coming to the workshop tomorrow.
We will worship together at 10:45am as usual. Tomorrow is our first Fellowship Meal of the year. We will eat and fellowship together directly after the service.
We continue to pray for Scott Walsh and his family as he prepares for major heart surgery. We also pray that the Lord will grant Fred Parker new lungs, Vickie Edwards new eyes, that He would bless Gloria Bohn with continued health and refreshing, that Tim Stephens will continue to recover, and that Suzi Frost will receive a clean bill of health.
Many among us are facing troubles of various kinds. Of course when one member of our church suffers, we enter into that suffering together as Christ has modeled for us by entering into our suffering with us. The Lord has called us to carry one another’s burdens and so we do (Galatians 6:2) out of our love for one another. We bear them up in prayer, in presence, and in service. Christ has given us the following great words of encouragement,
“These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
We serve a Living Savior who is not only at work redeeming a broken world, but He is also at work restoring His people, abiding with us, and preserving us as His own dear and priceless possession recovered out of this broken world. He has been so very intentional with each of us, demonstrating His everlasting love and His present concern for us.
May you know the presence of Christ intimately, especially those who are walking through a season of trials. We love you.
In His grace,
Pastor Nick