Our Vision
To see OKC, Oklahoma, the United States, and the world saturated with the Gospel of Christ’s kingdom in accordance with Christ’s vision in Acts 1:8.
Our Mission
On Christ’s authority and knowing that He goes with us, we are sent to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that He has commanded us. (Matthew 28:18-20)
Our Practice
Together we are actively and intentionally working out Christ’s commands to love God, to love others, and to make disciples.
“Love God” is the first and greatest commandment according to Christ. All true love is rooted in our love for God and if we don’t properly love God, we don’t love at all. Some ways we love God are by worshiping Him alone, by revering His word above all, by observing His commands, and by dedicating our lives to building up His church. By loving God, we are learning to BE in Christ.
“Love Others” is the second commandment according to Christ. If we don’t love others well (especially fellow Christians) then we cannot in good conscience claim to love the God who made people in His image. Some ways we love others are by extending Christian charity (authentic love, 1 Corinthians 13), respecting them, preferring them, giving our time for them, and by being honest with everyone about Christ’s truth even when it is hard. By loving others, we are learning to BECOME like Christ.
Making Disciples is how we fulfill Christ’s commission on our lives. We make disciples by boldly sharing the gospel of Christ’s kingdom, by baptizing those who repent and believe the gospel, and by teaching everyone to observe every command of Christ’s word revealed to us in the Holy Bible. We make disciples in three key environments; the Sunday Worship Service, Missional Small Groups, and DNA Groups. By making disciples, we are learning to DO the work of Christ.
We share the gospel of Christ’s kingdom through practicing BLESS Rhythms, boldness, and dependence upon the Holy Spirit.
8 Cs (Convictions)
Christ-centered– We strive to keep Christ at the center of all that we do. “Eyes on Jesus.”
Convergence– We practice the convergence of Word and Spirit in the life and ministry of our church.
Canonical– We believe the Holy Scriptures (the historical 39 Old Testament books and 27 New Testament books) are the inerrant and inspired Word of God delivered through the Holy Spirit to His Church through the Apostles. The Bible takes primacy in all matters of preaching, teaching, doctrine, discernment, and discipleship within the Church.
Credal– We affirm the historic Christian creeds from the first six ecumenical councils as wonderful summaries of ancient Gospel truth delivered to us by Christ through His Apostles. They are to be respected and consulted but not elevated above Scripture.
Confessional– We firmly confess Jesus Christ to be God in the flesh who lived, died, rose, ascended, and is coming again according to the Scriptures. We use the Philadelphia Confession of Faith (1742) and our church statement of faith to flesh out doctrinal distinctives for us.
Continuationist– We believe the Holy Spirit continues to move in His church as He always has in accordance with the commands of Scripture regarding spiritual gifts and the ministry of the Church.
Complementarian– We believe that the Lord has ordained sacred and specific roles for men and women which compliment rather than compete with one another.
Comprehensive– We believe that the Gospel of Jesus heals the whole person: heart, soul, mind, and body. We seek to honor Christ therefore in every way.